Missions Projects
Food Pantry
We support Peter’s Pantry at the Methodist Church. Food is distributed the third Tuesday of each month. Donations of canned meats, peanut butter, jelly, tuna, pasta and spaghetti sauce can be dropped off at EPC on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to noon.
Cornerstone Women’s Center
Cornerstone Women’s Resource Centers exist to offer hope and the love of Christ to hurting women when they need it most.
EPC supports this ministry by filling baby bottles with loose change and other donations to benefit women in need.
Two Cents a Meal
Our Church family continues to donate to this effort to help feed families in need. Let’s continue to remember these people and bring in your 2-cents-a-meal donations. Get the kids involved too!
Samaritian’s Purse
THE SAMARITAN’S PURSE OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX project is now completed. We delivered 119 Shoeboxes on Monday 11/18 to the West Park Methodist Church. Just imagine 119 more children somewhere in the world getting their first Christmas Shoebox Gift; and imagine their smiles. The hard work was worth it and thank you to everyone who participated.
Family Promise of Salem County, Inc. helps homeless families regain their independence. It is committed to providing temporary overnight accommodations, meals and assistance.
EPC supports this mission by supplying food baskets and other gifts.